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25th Annual General Meeting

Event Date: 31 Mar, 2025

Invitation to the 25th Annual General Meeting

at THE AUCTIONEER, CARLISLE on Monday 31st March 2025 Pie, Pea & Chip Supper 7.00pm onwards £15.00 AGM to start at 7:45pm Prompt! Please contact Helen to book your supper no later than Thursday 27th March. Text / WhatsApp 07702 820405 or email [email protected]


Annual General Meeting

Followed by Presentation from Michael Halliwell, Holstein UK Group Commercial Director


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. To confirm and sign the minutes of the 24th Annual General Meeting 
  3. Matters arising from the minutes
  4. Presidents Address – Heather Pritchard
  5. Presentation of Annual Report – Glyn Lucas
  6. To receive and adopt the Annual Accounts
  7. HYB Report – Heidi Sowerby
  8. Sales Committee Report – Stephen Brough
  9. Election of officeholders and committee for 2025/26
  10. President
  11. Vice President
  12. Chairman
  13. Vice Chairman
  14. Treasurer
  15. Auditor
  16. Elect Trustees
  17. Vacancies on the committee 
  18. Co-options to the committee
  19. To consider nominations for Honorary Life Members
  20. To receive members suggestions for consideration by the committee
  21. To thank the retiring committee members and office bearers
  22. Any other business
  23. To set the date for the 2026 AGM



(Possible attendances out of six meetings)


Heather Pritchard (4)             Glyn Lucas (6)                            Richard Armstrong (4)                               Andrew Williamson (6)

Mark Wilson (5)                         David Hodgson (1)                  Neil Brough (0)                                               Frank Chester (0)

Ian Caddy (4)                              Eamon Monaghan (3)            Stephen Brough (6)                                     Dan Bargh (3)

Colin Dent (1)                             Len Wilson (5)                            Kevin Wilson (0)                                            Lee Graham (0)              

Richard Hodgson (0)              Matt Fisher (3)                            Will Horsley (0)                                              Matthew Harper (3)

Adam Walton (0)                       Charlotte Wilson (5)               


Co-opted members of Committee

Stephen Brough (Sales), (HYB Chairperson), Andrew Williamson (HUK Representative), Glyn Lucas (H&H), Heidi Sowerby (HYB Co-Ordinator), Heather Pritchard (Ex official).



Nominations for vacancies on the committee will be taken at the AGM. Election will take place by ballot of those members present. Proposers should ascertain whether or not the member is willing to serve should they be elected. Please be aware that at the EGM held on 12th July 2004 a motion was passed that committee members should attend 50% of meetings in a year otherwise they could be replaced. If you wish to stand on the committee, please try to fulfil this requirement.


The committee members highlighted will retire at the AGM and will not be eligible for re-election for one year. 

AGM 2025 – Matthew Harper, Dan Bargh (Ex Official), Kevin Wilson, Len Wilson, Colin Dent (Ex Official).

AGM 2026 – Matthew Fisher, Richard Armstrong, Mark Wilson.

AGM 2027 – Lee Graham, David Hodgson.

AGM 2028 – Adam Walton, Charlotte Wilson.