The July Border & Lakeland Club Show and Sale was brimming with excellent cows, heifers and in-calf heifers many bred from elite pedigrees. Trade topped at 4,200gns for a super cow from the Roxy family with the overall average for milking Holsteins coming to £2464. The sale also included 192 cows and youngstock from the Vetech herd that topped at 3,200gns to average £2491 for an excellent group of milkers.
Finance For Farms sponsored the show and Hugh Hodge from the Bogwood Holstein herd in Ayrshire judged the pre-sale classes. The Overall Champion sold for the top price of 2,700gns and was purchased by the Roberts family in Wales. Denmire Milano Silver was consigned by the Dennisons from Scales Park Farm near Ulverston. She was bred from an Excellent 93 Sid that produced over 100 ton of milk lifetime. Denmire sold another five heifers to average almost £2500.
The Reserve Champion was consigned by the Brewster family from near Glasgow, Boclair Doc Gypsy is sired by King Doc and bred from a 5% butterfat dam. This super uddered heifer sold for 2,700gns to the Millar family in Kirpatrick Fleming. The Boclair herd sold another four heifers to average £2795, that included Boclair Doc Kalla who sold for 2,950gns.